Multi-sensory Experience
Multi-Sensory "Coherence" invites people to ask: "If the visual sensation obtained looking at a certain object or material can be confirmed when confronted it with the sensations from the other senses?"
Visual sensation (color, gloss, object typology, etc.) "Looks like beautiful wood" positive
Tactile sensation (temperature, texture, etc.) "Feels like plastic" negative
Acoustic sensation (sound when tapping on it) "Sounds like plastic." negative
Olfactory sensation (perfume, smell, etc.) "Smells like plastic" negative
Multi-Sensory Experience result: "I was tricked by someone trying to sell me "fake" wood."
The term “Percieved Quality” is the direct result of Multi-Sensory Coherence, invented during the development
of the Dialogos, and is now used by all OEMs, as an extra verification for manufacturing quality, to check the interiors in automobiles, airplanes, trains, etc.
Wellbeing based on sensory oneness, perceived in an environment where objects have not been designed for appearance alone, but also for the way they feel, sound, smell and – naturally – the way they look.
Most humans rely heavily on sight as their primary sensory input channel, thinking design is purely visual
The sense of touch is located throughout the body, in your largest organ, the skin. Tactile receptors are most sensitive in fingertips and lips, capable of perceiving micro differences in: (temperature, pressure, vibrations, and pain).
Obviously not a major player for products, but for food and drinks, it is vital. Just ask anyone who has had Covid 19 and has lost their sense of taste and smell.

The acoustic sensation offers so much more than just sound. Spatial Awareness and Claustrophobia are perceived by the ears. Altitude effects the ears. We regularly evaluate distance with our ears thanks to the Doppler effect.
Smell triggers powerful emotional memories largely because t6he brain regions that process smells, memories, and emotions are intimately connected. So it makes sense that our individual human experiences shape how we perceive smells and scents.
Multi-sensory spatial relationships
Spatial perception engages all 5 senses: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch. This cognitive map of our surrounding physical environment combines social and spatial relationships forming a powerful container of memory. Design must capitalize on these fundamental biological phenomenon.